Mohawk Flooring wanted to deliver a national message to its consumers in the marketplace but was constrained by a very limited budget. Domus recommended mobilizing their extensive high-volume dealer network to extend the campaign.
Domus, their full-service advertising agency, developed an “Individual-Store Marketing Kit” with advertising, promotion and public relations tools that leveraged Mohawk’s national spokesperson, Willard Scott, as the spokesman for each of their individual stores. This kit motivated the dealers to spend more co-op money to support Mohawk in their local markets.
The results were impressive. Dealer spending through Mohawk’s co-op program increased by 78%, translating to an additional $6M being spent in dealer markets. This quadrupled Mohawk’s media presence. And usage of Mohawk’s advertising materials increased from 32% to 64% over the course of the year.
Let Domus show you how to get the most out of your advertising or dealer programs. Contact our CEO