How many people reading this have agencies or other businesses that are down in their revenues this year? Of those, how many have not already put in place an aggressive sales campaign and other marketing efforts to turn their business around?
If you haven’t, why not? Does anyone really think that the economy will return back to the way it was pre-2008?
There are so many fundamental changes occurring in our economy and society that the chances of a return to business as usual – at least for a very long time – are minimal. Therefore, once a company has cut out as much fat as possible – which most have already done by now – the principal hope it has of financial recovery is through new growth strategies.
Whether that means more aggressively pursuing traditional opportunities or embarking on new marketing models, the most important thing should be that the plans get implemented now, and with the highest priority. By this time next month, will you have significantly increased the breadth and depth of your sales pipeline? Or will you be withering?
As a dynamic marketing agency, Domus is uniquely positioned to help companies turn 2010 into a growth year instead of a negative one. For more information, please visit our web site at and then reach out to us.