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Mobile Website Expansion Offers Businesses Unlimited Potential

Do you know how to create a mobile website? Or more importantly, do you know what a mobile website is? There are many differences between mobile and traditional websites, which is why your website may not work for many smart phone users. For one Apple doesn’t support Flash (perhaps because Steve Jobs hates Adobe, but we’ll save that for another time), so we need to focus on HTML5, which is the next major revision of the HTML standard and is still in development. It can be frustrating that there’s such a disconnect, but learn it and move on – you don’t want to miss out on the mobile website movement.

Learn the URL schemes of iPhone App, how it works, types of schemes, how to utilize them.

Do you know how to create a mobile website? Or more importantly, do you know what a mobile website is? Domus Dish has covered this topic quite a bit, but in case you’ve missed it, a mobile website is what smart phone users see when looking at your webpage from their phones. There are many differences between mobile and traditional websites, which is why your website may not work for many smart phone users. For one Apple doesn’t support Flash (perhaps because Steve Jobs hates Adobe, but we’ll save that for another time), so we need to focus on HTML5, which is the next major revision of the HTML standard and is still in development.  It can be frustrating that there’s such a disconnect, but learn it and move on – you don’t want to miss out on the mobile website movement.

I encourage you to look on the bright side – once you have mobile web mastered you’re opening your business to millions – some analysts even say BILLIONS – of mobile web users. Mobile websites are a new way of digital marketing, and a completely different approach compared to the development of traditional websites. Therefore, you can’t just treat it like a regular website with a smaller layout – there are distinct differences in the website’s development that will drastically affect the final result if they’re ignored. Read on as I list the top ways of making your website mobile friendly.

URL schemes for mobile

Although we can argue the various differences between regular HTML and HTML5, they don’t mean anything in terms of marketing efficiency. Most of the uniqueness comes from different functionalities of the hardware; 3G, WIFI, GPS, and more from the Operating System (OS) or software, such as app connectivity. App connectivity is when a smart phone runs another application when you click on a link on a mobile web browser – it’s what makes mobile web so convenient. To integrate new functions, we use a custom URL, scheme whose format looks like the following:


Mobile sites can make calls

One of the most important URL schemes to learn is how to set up your site to make a phone call. Ex:

Call me

You need to put the full phone number including the country code with plus(+) symbol (see above). Once a visitor clicks a “Call me” link, the user’s phone will automatically call the number that you input.

Mobile sites can send text messages

In a similar way, you can also create a link to let users text your number.

Text me

How about “FaceTime” me?

If you’re intent on contacting your customers even more intimately, you can include an innovative FaceTime link, demonstrated below:

Facetime me

If you are using a Mac or iPod touch 4th generation, input your Apple ID instead of your phone number. Ex:

Facetime me

App connectivity

Some cell phones’ mobile functions are developed to operate in other applications such as Google Maps, YouTube, iTunes, the iPhone’s App Store, iBooks Store, and third-party social applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. For example, many websites will direct users to Google Maps when they search for a business’s location. Very helpful, but once users click on these links, they will be directed away from your website. With this in mind, you might consider a different approach to track the outbound traffic[1].

Google Maps

If you want to show a map and pinpoint a certain place, you can include a Google Maps link, demonstrated below:

Place me

{ } values need to be replaced with numbers that indicate the selected location. It’s still a HTTP URL scheme, but Apple devices recognize it and automatically switch to a map application on the iPhone, not the actual Google Maps website.


Like Google Maps, regular YouTube links will link to a YouTube application. See below:

Youtube Video


Facebook has its own URL scheme, which could link to a user’s newsfeed, friends, etc. However, at the moment linking to a certain fan page[2] has been blocked in the most recent version of the Facebook application. We’re continuing to investigate if there is a way around this. Stay tuned.


Twitter also has its own URL scheme as follows[3]:

Follow me


Foursquare is location-based service where users can check-in when they arrive at a store, restaurant or other business. Businesses can include a link to their user profile or venue page.

To link to a user profile:

Foursquare add me

To link to a venue:

Foursquare check-in me

Notice that the venue ID should be 24 bytes, or letters/numbers, long which is used in Foursquare API v2.


If you have an album or podcast in the iTunes Store, you can create a link for that on your website. Ex:

Check out in iTunes

App Store

Similar to the URL for the iTunes Store, you can create a link to the iPhone App Store. Ex:

Check out in App Store

iBooks Store

Some sources say that we can link using the “itms-books:” URL scheme[4], but what I figured out is that “{Country Code}/book/{ISBN}”[5] will also work. Ex:

Buy it in iBooks Store

Other tricks

This looks like a tricky one, but with a little guidance it’s not too difficult. Including mobile Safari running in iOS has unique protocol named “data:” which can link to an offline page whose source is located in the link itself[6]. Ex:

8L2gxPgoKPHA+CkVudGVyIGFmdGVyLXRheCB0b3RhbDoKPC9wPgo8Zm9ybSBuYW1lPSJpbkZvcm0iIG9uU3VibWl0PSJ1cGRhdGUoKTsgcmV0dXJuIGZhbHNlOyI+CjxpbnB1dCB0eXBlPSJ0ZXh0IiBuYW1lPSJudW0iIG9uRm9jdXM9InphcCh0aGlzKSIgdmFsdWU9IjI0LjM3IiAvPgo8aW5wdXQgbmFtZT0ic3VibWl0IiB0eXBlPSJidXR0b24iIG9uQ2xpY2s9InVwZGF0ZSgpOyIgdmFsdWU9IlRpcCIgLz4KPC9mb3JtPgoKPHAgaWQ9Im91dHB1dEFyZWEiPgo8L3A+Cgo8L2JvZHk+CjwvaHRtbD4=”>Tip Calculator

Summing Up the Elements

No matter what features you choose to include in your mobile website, you still need to check the site’s compatibility for each device. For example, a link to Twitter will not work on smart phones that are not an iOS device or on phones that do not have a Twitter application already installed. As you get your site mobile ready, it’s helpful to engage an expert in the beginning stages. Once you have a handle on writing the URL code and deciding how and where to include it on your website, you’ll be ready to introduce your business to the rapidly growing world of mobile web users.

For more information about making your website mobile-ready, watch our video presentation here:







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